
Costume Co: Anthro Articuno TF/TG

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Chimafan123's avatar
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    Robert sighed and adjusted his coat slightly, hours of walking in the rain and he was still lost. Neon lights around him advertised cafes and restaurants, cutting through the pouring rain to invite him inside, to sit down and take a break. It wasn't for him.
He had only been in town for a week, having moved into the town to continue his education at the local college. He was still settling in, and his heart already ached, a lack of friends except one and the absence of his family cutting through any other emotions and quickly draining him.
Lightning flashed a second later, cutting through his reverie and making him look up, another neon sign greeting him, though this one was different from the rest. In big, bright green letters, the glowing sign read: Costume Co.
That caught his interest, and if anything, he could step out of the rain briefly to sate his curiosity. Abruptly changing paths,he turned left and entered the shop.
A bell rang as Robert stepped in, standing still on the rug to let the water run off him as he took in the scene.
Arrayed along the walls were Costumes of all kinds, a surprising majority of them Pokemon. Posed on Mannequins and elevated on stands, boxes containing the suits stored below them. The Costumes were of incredible quality, every detail seeming to be present. Robert, in awe, approached a suit of his favorite Pokemon, an Articuno, and stared at the intricate detail, every feather was there, every scale on the feet standing out, the claws themselves a gleaming silver. He lost himself in the detail, staring at the fur, which happened to be very thin and long feathers, as he discovered, and the overall detail of the suit, his eyes roaming over and absorbing the beauty of it. Even after five minutes he decided he had to have it, his eyes roaming to the price tag on one of the boxes.
A hundred and fifty dollars.
His eyes widened, for a suit of that quality? No, it couldn't be true! He snatched one and practically ran for the register, the lone employee looking up at him and narrowing her eyes.
"and what can I do-" She started before he cut off her off.
"Is this really one fifty?" He asked, holding up the box and making her nod.
"I'll take it!" He said, excited and setting the box down and drawing his wallet, his budget didn't matter for a deal like this, he had to have it.
Five minutes later he was sitting in a Taxi staring at the box, grinning like crazy. He hadn't hailed a taxi before because he liked to think of himself as saving money, but had finally caved and hailed one because he didn't want to get the box, and by extension, the suit, wet. He stared at the box as obsessively as he had the real suit. Despite the quality, the box itself was simple, an Image of the humanoid Articuno on the front, along with a few details of the suit, such as the height and futures to make it more realistic, such as using Velcro in place of a zipper.
"That a Costume Co suit?" The driver questioned after a moment, making Rob nod.
"My favorite Pokemon, Articuno." He replied, hugging the box tightly and smiling as the driver smiled.
"Well, never was much into Cosplay, but I do approve of the quality of their suits, and excellent customer service, I've heard." He said, turning his attention back to the road and approaching Rob's dormitory.
"Well, it's an Articuno, how could I turn down my favorite?" Rob countered, making the driver shrug and laugh as he parked as close to the Dorm entrance as he could. Rob quickly tossed a twenty and raced out of the car and into the entryway, spending only a few seconds in the rain at worst. After that he didn't bother walking, instead running to his Dorm and tossing a hasty greeting at his roommate before slipping into their shared bedroom and locking the door, drawing the suit from the box and gazing at it.
It was every bit as detailed as the display had been, giving him a giddy excitement as he carefully split the Velcro open in the back, standing and moving to don the suit.
His legs slipped in first, filling out the suit's legs, though he noticed a good amount of loose material around the thighs, passing it off as the suit being built for both genders and being adjustable, he slowly moved his arms into the suit, a set of hidden hands allowing him a decent amount of dexterity and allowing him to fit into the torso easily, despite the loose hip section, tight waist, and the large amount of loose material around the chest. Once again he passed it off as the suit being dual gendered, attaching the Velcro and grabbing the mask. Before donning it he turned to his blank computer screen, admiring the far more graceful and lithe form that the suit seemed to give him, the loose material well hidden with a bit of adjustment.
Before Robert could try the mask on his Roommate knocked on the door.
"Rob! What's going on?" He asked.
"Bought a new suit from Costume Co, give me a few minutes to try it on!" He called back, admiring the mask for a few seconds and beginning to slip it on. There was a decent amount of loose material hanging down, with Velcro meant to secure at the neck and hide the human inside entirely, save the eyes.
"Really? What character is it?" He asked back, the conversation easily managed through the thin door.
"Take a guess." Rob replied, sealing the straps and letting a breath out through the beak. It was surprisingly cool, the loose areas doubling as ventilation, he discovered.
"Articuno?" His roommate guessed.
"Bingo." Rob called back, admiring himself in the mirror.
"Can I see?" His roommate asked, sounding excited.
"Not yet." Rob said, intending to say more but freezing as he felt a pulse run through the suit. It wasn't subtle, it literally pulsed. He cringed, moving to pull the mask off, though instead having to stick them out to land when his feet began to change.
His feet melted into the suit, becoming scaled and clawed. His shins followed a second later, becoming far thinner and lighter than they had been before. This was followed by his thighs filling out on the suit, making him squeak and turn towards the box, crawling for it.
His hips widened with a dull crack, painlessly filling the suit out, though what came next terrified Rob.
The suit, while covering him, began to invert his gender, a sensitive entrance forming and making her moan despite the horror of it all. His roommate was yelling, but that didn't matter, her waist thinning as breasts began to grow, quickly becoming perky D-cups as his hands began to vanish, becoming powerful wings that seemed capable of real flight. All she could was stare at her changing body, shock entering as the fluffy feathers in her chest seemed to gain feeling, just like the long, elegant tail idly moving behind her as her neck merged with the suit, the beak becoming one with her mouth as her eyes began to sting. Rob forcing them shut out of instinct as the rest of her head merged with the suit.
When her eyes opened again, the room was clear and more sharply detailed than it had been when she closed them. Her more sensitive ears finally picked up on what her roommate was yelling a second later.
"This some kind of prank?" He called through the door, Rob not answering but instead letting her eyes roam over her body.
A curvaceous and busty body greeted him, mostly covered in Dark blue feathers, a tuft of lighter blue, silky feathers covered most of her torso, and everything below her knees was covered in gray scales, her new, sharp talons silver and shining in the low light coming from the rain spattered window. Experimentally, she opened, then closed her beak, listening to the small click it made when it shut before forcing herself to stand, rather awkwardly due to the loss of her hands and new, front heavy balance, her breasts proving to be quite heavy, if only because she was unadjusted. After an awkwardly second, she overcompensated and staggered backwards, slamming into a wall and breathing hard, her roommate beginning to pound furiously.
"Dude, what's going on in there?" He called, trying the lock again and failing. Rob opened her mouth, closed it, then opened her mouth again and tried to speak.
"Uh, something went wrong." She said, her voice having a new quality to it, having an aspect like that of tinkling glass, a strange, but wonderful undertone.
"Can you open the door?" The exasperated reply came, seemingly having ignored her comment and new voice.
"No, I can't." Rob said quietly, and her roommate, in his usual style, rammed the door. It had held up before, but the one day she expected it to survive, it broke, her roommate barging in and making Rob take a few steps back. His eyes turned to her and looked her over, a grin coming over his face as he advanced.
Rob didn't hesitate, quickly judging the size of the window to her right and determining that she could escape through it. She dodged away from her former roommate, and while he was recovering hitting a wall, she kicked the glass frame out and leaped through, spreading her wings and giving them a hard flap to get altitude. The rain was already coating her feathers, but running over them, like a raincoat of sorts. The previous chill in the air had also been replaced by the warmth of her feathers. Crying at the difference, despite the beauty of flight, she soared higher to vanish as best she could and turned herself towards home, she had to see someone.

    Hours later, she set herself down, dripping, on the country house her family lived in. The rain hadn't held off the water forever, and she was soaked to the bone. She raised a hand to knock, and then remembered it was a wing. Lowering it, she raised a talon, tapping with her foot instead and paying no heed to her lack of clothes.
Her recently-turned-eighteen brother answered the door, staring in shock at the new Rob.
She didn't care, she hugged him, tears rolling down her cheeks and holding him in her admittedly fluffy and warm embrace. He seemed to recognize her, and hugged back, the two siblings enjoying a moment of comfort despite Rob's new form. Behind them, the rain began to slow, the sun beginning to come out as the two began to laugh.
The unspoken words conveyed everything, and to Rob, her family would be there, no matter what happened.

The end?
So, I had a mental image in my head I had to get out, and took the opportunity to write a story for it, the total word count is 1,838 words over the course of three hours, meant to practice working on prose with flowing story at the same time. Please don't hesitate to comment and critique!
Commissions for stories of a similar or longer length are 10 points.
Also, not making it mature, if it needs the tag please let me know.
Articuno and Pokemon Are owned by Game Freak.
© 2015 - 2024 Chimafan123
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TgWolfe's avatar
I like the emotion you added to this piece. :D